While each situation may seem unique, the advice for girls experiencing difficulty in a relationship is to look at what they have now and stop thinking about later - to lower their expectations. It encourages a sense of complacency or contentment in the current situation with the assumption that there is time before the 'future'. But what if you end up falling madly in love with this guy who exhibits no willingness to change and become what you view as important? I know this seems vague and over generalized but I was reading an article written by a guy (link at article can be found below) and while I can relate to how he approaches the concept of the 'future' I'm not sure I agree entirely with the message he is trying to convey.
What do you think?
ARTICLE: http://www.anewmode.com/
smarter than a "regular joe"...that is a statement typical to a woman who has only experienced a true connection with another woman. "men are truly from another planet"...again a typical statement from an obviously female driven intellect forced upon her own viewpoints concerning both men and women. if you want to connect with a man, it would help to look at each man as an individual. not as a man. or as a non-woman, in your case.
ReplyDeleteyou're absolutely right. I definitely feel as though I have not made an actually connection with this guy. I was only referring to the article linked. It is a rather general statement as it is hard to be specific when the article and the guy I dated seems one and the same. But I do appreciate your feedback.